From model-centric to data-centric MLOps

MLOps (short for machine learning operations) is slowly evolving into an independent approach to the machine learning lifecycle that includes all steps – from data gathering to governance and monitoring. It will become a standard as artificial intelligence is moving towards becoming part of everyday business, rather than an innovative activity.  Get an intro to […]

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Awesome NYC

NYC Interactively engineer team driven technology rather than distinctive imperatives. Conveniently morph reliable functionalities via front-end data. Objectively transition focused content whereas client-centric channels. Efficiently reconceptualize stan

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Secure open source MLOps for AI/ML applications in financial services

The adoption of AI/ML in financial services is increasing as companies seek to drive more robust, data-driven decision processes as part of their digital transformation journey. For global banking, McKinsey estimates that AI technologies could potentially

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Changing the game of brand management at Papirfly

Today marks a significant shift in Papirflys vision for empowering enterprises to give their people the tools to activate their brands – everywhere. Having delivered innovative brand management solutions for over 20 years, we’ve consolidated the 32 pro

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Nejprodávanějším vozem automobilky Hyundai v ČR byl v říjnu model i30

Nejprodávanějším vozem automobilky Hyundai v ČR byl v říjnu model i30. Ve sledovaném měsíci se jich prodalo 692, což představuje meziroční nárůst o 15,5 %. Tento model je tak v ČR druhým nejprodávanějším ve své kategorii. Tradičně se dařilo modelu ix20, k

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Modernizovaný Hyundai Kona a nový model Kona N Line

Hyundai Motor uvádí modernizovaný model Kona a představuje zcela nový model Kona N Line.

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