Czech Ad ID: Identifier That Will Replace Third-Party Cookies

Deterministic ID linked to unique identifier The aim of this joint project of CPEx’s publishers (Economia, Mafra, Vltava Labe Media and Czech News Center) and is to create a unified standard for ad targeting and online identity. As a deterministic ID, Czech Ad ID is linked to a unique identifier (e.g., an email or a phone number). This identifier is hashed and encrypted, thus creating a safe and stable ID that is uniform across the whole ecosystem for all subjects involved – both publishers and advertisers. Effective targeting without third-party cookies The solution gives advertisers the possibility of very precise cross-domain and cross-device targeting of logged-in users. Publishers can then easily monetize their advertising inventory without losing control over their own data. As a result, ad targeting can remain effective without using third-party cookies while respecting the user’s privacy, as the encrypted ID is only created when consent is given. The Czech Ad ID system can be utilized by publishers, agencies and advertisers. Czech Ad ID workflow and its application in practice How does the Czech Ad ID identifier work and what is its application in practice? Let’s use the following example to take a detailed look at the whole process: First layer of security hashing The user ([email protected]) registers and logs in on the www.newswebsite. com website that is integrated into the Czech Ad ID system. When registering, the user consents to the processing of personal data, including the use of Czech Ad ID. The domain hashes their email, i.e., it changes it into a string of random characters. This is a one-way process, meaning that this string of characters cannot be reverted back to the original email.  The email or phone number in its original (readable) form does not leave the publisher’s database, i.e. it is never shared with the Czech Ad ID service or 3rd parties or sent into the programmatic ecosystem. The publisher always uses only its hash, which cannot be decrypted, and sends it to the Czech Ad ID service along with the request to create a unique identifier. The service verifies that the publisher has the permission to obtain this ID and, if so, it responds as described below. Second layer of security generating a random ID Suppose this is a brand-new user who is not yet registered or logged in anywhere else. In such case, there is no record for the hash in the Czech Ad ID database yet, so a new ID is generated. The new Czech Ad ID is created by generating a new random set of characters for the hash. This way, a new security component is added, as the new set of characters cannot be decrypted into the original hash. This ID is stored (along with the hash) in the Czech Ad ID database and sent back to the publisher of the website. Only this double-encrypted ID is then used in the RTB ecosystem for targeting and campaign management. Using Prebid or oRTB protocol, it is passed to an SSP that sends it on to a DSP. Czech Ad ID is currently supported by the SSP Magnite and DSP Adform, but other systems should do so in the future. Cross-domain user identification Let’s assume [email protected] registers and logs in to another website, e.g.,, and also consents to the processing of data. The publisher of encrypts the email in the same way as the previous website did, and asks the Czech Ad ID service to create an ID. In this case, a valid Czech Ad ID already exists for this hash, so the service will return the existing value. The user [email protected] will thus have a single Czech Ad ID on both websites. In both cases, the Czech Ad ID is created with a predefined and limited lifespan. After its expiration, the publisher (or another subject) must request a new identifier. This gives more control to both users and publishers over their data. Purchases in e-shop and retargeting Lastly, we will send our user [email protected] shopping to an e-shop, e.g., Here the user also registers, consents to data processing and makes a purchase. The e-shop would like to offer them other products that might interest them in the future. In order to do this, the e-shop simply needs to be integrated into the Czech Ad ID system and get the user’s current Czech Ad ID, as in the previous example. The ID can then be used for effective targeting and retargeting.  Advertisers can already utilize Czech Ad ID on selected websites of CPEx’s publishers, and we are continuously expanding this service to other websites. At the Czech Identity Summit (joint conference of Seznam, Adform and CPEx dedicated to online identity), Seznam and CPEx presented together the first results of a test that was conducted by CPEx in cooperation with Mafra, GroupM and Adform. Get acquainted with the test results – we have published a case study with the summary of the results online. If you are interested in using Czech Ad ID or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

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