Summit Trade: Comprehensive e-shop

The solution for Summit Trade includes a comprehensive e-shop for the sale of outlet clothing and sports equipment from top outdoor brands. The e-shop offers a selection of different brands of outdoor clothing and sports equipment, which are available for sale at favorable prices. The e-shop is specialized in ski mountaineering, freeride, skitouring, mountaineering. There is a complete collection of leading brands such as ORTOVOX, Mountain Equipment, black crows, Fritschi. The basic parts of an e-shop solution are a website, a system for managing products and orders, payment and delivery options, and customer service. The website is the main communication channel between the store and the customers and provides information about products, prices and other details. A product and order management system allows a store to manage its product offering, track orders and manage inventory. Payment and delivery options allow customers to pay for ordered products and have them delivered to the chosen address.In addition to the e-shop, customers on the website have the opportunity to use the service center, rental office or sign up for one of the many events organized by the company, such as courses, ski testing and equipment or other workshops. There is also a blog, which serves as another communication channel between the store and its customers. The blog contains various types of posts, such as shopping tips and advice, news about products or brands, information about events and discounts or interesting things from the world of outdoor clothing and sports equipment. All this helps customers better navigate the offer and obtain useful information, which leads to greater satisfaction with the purchase. In addition, the blog provides additional opportunities for the business to present itself and build a positive image. B2B solutionsWe have also prepared a B2B solution for the Summit Trade company, through which other companies can buy their goods simply, clearly and in larger quantities. We are honored that Summit Trade trusts our services and that we are a part of their successful business.

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