Quote Post

When you love sailing your yacht through the waves, it does not really matter which body of water it is, or does it? Well, when we talk specifically about choosing a wintertime destination for your yachting, the options are real diverse. Deborah Quagmire Choosing a fitting website template is probably the most responsible e-business task of them all…But cheer up, as we’ve prepared a lot of useful tips on this matter for you! When you need your company to have a new website or if you venture on updating your old webpage with a new look and functionality, the choices are versatile… Assuming that you will go the easy way and choose a theme for your WordPress website, the overall number of characteristics that you will need to keep in mind narrows down significantly. But how do you stay focused on what kind of a template you need and what do you want to get from that template? We recommend focusing on 4 most essential characteristics, each vital for your company’s to have an efficient and long-standing online presence! These are: Design or Visual Looks; Functionality; Easy Installation and Administering & Google-friendliness. All the WordPress themes that we have here have had a vast team of professional designers sketching, working and executing the ultimate visual look for it.  With such a wide range of choices at hand, we strongly advise you to stick to the WordPress Theme that is based on your business’ or a closely related field. Either way, thanks to all the diversity here you will be able to choose a Theme that can be either of a formal color scheme with some light colors in it or a more vivid one, featuring bold textures and hues! “Design & Functionality are the main features to focus on when you are about to choose the permanent look for your website!” Each business niche may require a unique functionality of its own… With that notion in mind, our team of professional WordPress coders has been working day and night to roll out a definitive collection of built-in WordPress plugins, that come with each of our WordPress themes… Due to the fact that this is a WordPress theme, the process of installing it and using it is truly as easy as it gets! Read our documentation to understand how fast you can go from purchasing a TemplateMonster WordPress theme to actually using it as a live skin for your company’s webpage. Also, the WordPress CMS (Content Management System) allows you to easily change the content (text; multimedia; blocks; pages) of any part of your new theme! The post Quote Post appeared first on BF Yacht s.r.o..

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You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it. Edith Head The post Quote appeared first on The.Switch.

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Slavíme 30 let na trhu. I díky vám!

Je to přesně třicet let, co vznikly T-MAPY. 20. května 1992 jsme do firmy přivezli první počítač (Compaq s procesorem 386 a harddiskem o velikosti 40 MB) a k němu digitizér formátu A1. Proces digitalizace jsme začali „od základu“, tedy pořizováním geograf

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Analytická mapa kriminality - Nástroj pro prevenci kriminality ve městech

Analytická mapa kriminality od T-MAPY je unikátní aplikací svého druhu a detailně zpracovává a vyhodnocuje data kriminality poskytované Policií ČR. Jde o kombinaci přehledného geografického zobrazení v mapě a přesných statistik. Právě statistiky a analyti

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T-MAPY sdílí své know-how v projektu rozvojového fondu OSN

Challenge Fund je aktivita partnerství pro cíle udržitelného rozvoje mezi Českou republikou a Rozvojovým programem OSN (UNDP - z anglického United Nations Development Programme). Cílem Challenge Fundu je především zajistit přenos a sdílení českého know-ho

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Realizace Digitální technické mapy ČR se rozbíhá a T-MAPY jsou u toho

Po letech př prav vstoupil projekt Digit ln technick mapy ČR (DTM ČR) do realizačn f ze. Protože je DTM vedena pro zem kraje, značn č st odpovědnosti nyn lež pr vě na nich. Podle př slu n ho z kona maj kraje do roku 2023 povinnost připravit datov

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