nsure: A comparison and negotiation platform

nsure – comparator and negotiator of life and non-life insurance products, loans and mortgages. An online tool for independent financial advisors who are looking for the most suitable products on the market for their clients. The nsure comparator has taken a firm place in the market and is growing progressively. It increases quality, methodically advises, sets the standard and significantly saves time, both for independent financial advisors and their end clients. The Nsure team is based on good relations not only with our customers, to whom we actively listen and respond flexibly to their wishes, but also with partners from insurance companies and banking institutions. Our company is proud that nsure is considered the best solution on the Czech market and is used by most of the leading consulting companies in the country.We are happy to offer much more. Nsure is not only a common comparator and negotiator, but also offers options for customer modifications and integration into the ecosystems of consulting and financial companies according to specific requirements so that it is always part of a comprehensive solution. In accordance with customer modifications and integrability, we also offer extensions in the form of a leadmaker and a self-negotiator, which allows end clients to easily and quickly find and negotiate the best insurance offers online, without the need to contact a financial advisor. This expansion increases the quality and comparison of the offer on the financial advisory market for a wider range of current and potential clients. The nsure platform is also available in Slovakia, where not only thanks to our rich experience, but also taking into account all legislative and market specifics, we offer a full-fledged solution in the area of non-life products, with a dynamically growing range of connections.

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