Linux Mint 21.2 Codename, New Features Revealed

Linux Mint 21.2 will be released at the end of June. It has the codename Victoria . New features will be added to the login screen and the Pix photo app. This post, Linux Mint 21.2 Codename, New Features Revealed is from OMG! Ubuntu!. Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission.

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Program Fakturky 7.0.2 na Linux Mint 18.1

Fakturky jsouWindows program na vystavování faktur a tento návod popisuje, jak jej lze instalovat a provozovat na Linuxu, v mém případě na Linux Mint 18.1. Výrobcem programuFakturky je firma Milan Bánovský. Samotný program je ke stažení na webu výrobce a

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VeraCrypt Instalace na Linux Mint a Windows

Úvod VeraCrypt je jedním z řady Open Source forků a nástupců dnes již nevyvíjeného TrueCryptu. Je vydáván pod Apache Licence 2.0, ovšem vyjma původního kódu TrueCryptu, který byl vadáván pod vlastní licencí, která ale nijak nezakazovala úpravu kódu pro j

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Multipass 1.11 brings enhanced performance for Linux on Mac and Windows

Multipass 1.11 is here! This release has some particularly interesting features that we’ve been wanting to ship for a while now. We’re excited to share them with you! For those who aren’t familiar with Multipass, it’s software that streamlines every aspec

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elementary OS 7 Released, This is What’s New

See what's new in elementary OS 7, the latest stable release of this Ubuntu-based Linux distro. From UI changes, to new apps, to powerful new features. This post, elementary OS 7 Released, This is What’s New is from OMG! Ubuntu!. Do not reproduce

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How Ubuntu Pro delivers enhanced security and manageability for Linux Desktop users

This week Ubuntu Pro entered general availability, giving Ubuntu users access to expanded security coverage on top of key enterprise management features.

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