Job offer: Bioinformatician / software developer

We are seeking a highly motivated bioinformatician / software developer for Loschmidt Laboratories at Masaryk University and St. Annes University Hospital, Brno to develop web-based software for the bioinformatic and protein engineering community. We are world leaders in this domain – our web tools are used by thousands of scientists, engineers and doctors in more than 150 countries. We solve scientific projects with deep meaning and use software tools to combat Alzheimers Disease, acute stroke and cancer.More information: or Bioinformatician / software developer

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Job offer: Bioinformatician (core facility)

Do you like biology? And informatics? Do you want to collaborate on interesting scientific projects? Do you want to see your results in the best scientific journals? Do you want to work at one of the most excellent life science institutes in Prague and in

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.NET developer

Znáš .NET i pozpátku a rád bys uplatnil své schopnosti na zajímavých projektech? Neváhej a přihlaš se! The post .NET developer appeared first on Anywhere s.r.o..

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BI Developer

Díky tomu, že se nám projekty pěkně rozjíždí, rádi přivítáme další posilu do našeho vývojového týmu. The post BI Developer appeared first on Anywhere s.r.o..

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Fullstack developer

Ovládáš Javu a Angular? Pak jsi třeba právě ty náš člověk! The post Fullstack developer appeared first on Anywhere s.r.o..

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Open-access offer for the business sector

The Czech-BioImaging large research infrastructure would like to approach you with a favorable offer of our professional services. We provide an access to state-of-the-art imaging technologies and expertise in the fields of biological and medical imaging.

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