ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 Mol* visualization of biomacromolecules

Mol* visualization of biomacromoleculesDavid Sehnal from MU The Mol* Viewer (https://molstar.org/) enables 3D visualisation of macromolecular coordinate and experimental data, together with capabilities for displaying structure quality, functional, or biological context annotations. Mol* Viewer also allows users to simultaneously visualise up to hundreds of (superimposed) protein structures, stream molecular dynamics simulation trajectories, render cell-level models, or display huge I/HM structures. It is the primary 3D structure viewer used by PDBe and RCSB PDB and can be easily integrated into third-party services.  Meet us online every friday morning to explore the portfolio of ELIXIR CZ tools and services at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/508817845 .  Registration is not needed Future webinars 26.3.nbsp;at 9:30 Nucleic Acid Conformations (dnatco.datmos.org).   9.4. at 9:30 AmtDB.16.4. at 9:30 ELIXIR and Galaxy Project.23.4. at 9:30 Metadynminer and Metadynreporter. Take a look at the webinar and give us your feedback. Please note that online session will be recorded and may be used on ELIXIR CZ website, social media, in ELIXIR CZ e-publications and any other ELIXIR CZ online materials.

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 GlobalFungi database

GlobalFungi database global fungal community composition obtained by NGSTomáš Větrovský from MBUThe GlobalFungi database represents the world most comprehensive atlas of global fungal distribution based on the fungal internal transcribed spacers. The cur

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 Data Management with DSW

Data Management with Data Stewardship WizardTereza Machačová and Jana Freeman from CTU FITThe presentation briefly introduces students to data management planning and the possibility of creating data management plans for their projects using Data Stewards

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021

We are sorry to inform you that due to ELIXIR CZ Annual Conference 2021 we need to skip a usual service introduction on Friday, 26 November. Join us for the conference, registration is open until 11 November, or have a look on our video library on YouTube

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 Traveler: visualization of secondary structure of RNA

Traveler: visualization of secondary structure of RNA moleculesDavid Hoksza from UKTraveler is a tool for template-based visualization of RNA secondary structure. If a sufficiently close template is available, Traveler is able to generate a layout for eve

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ELIXIR CZ Friday Coffee 2021 PrankWeb

PrankWebMarian Novotný from UKPrankWeb (https://prankweb.cz/) is a tool predicting ligand binding sites on 3D structures using machine learning algorithms. The tool is integrated into the PDBe-KB. We will present both its current state and its future deve

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