Effect of climate change on the spatio-temporal distribution of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (1824) in Algeria

This study was carried out in order to determine the initial distribution of Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (1824) (Diptera, Tephrididae) in Algeria, the area now occupied and assess the role of climate change in determining its current distribution. The various surveys and trapping of adults indicate that in addition to the coastal, sub-coastal and Argan regions, this fly is also present in oases. It is reported in all the traditional oases where fruit trees are intercropped with date palm. From the 2000s, the area occupied by this fruit fly increased and spread into provinces where it was not previously reported. Gradually, it increased in abundance and became an important pest. The climate data recorded in the province of Batna (Aurès Mountains, Saharan Atlas) indicate there has been a change in climate. The annual and monthly average temperatures and relative humidity for the period 2000–2018, in this province became more favourable for this fruit fly than in the period 1913–1937, in particular, during the months of March, April, October and November. The results also indicate that in orchards where there are several types of fruit, the numbers of this fly are higher than where mainly apples are grown.

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