Chess Assistant 15

Na konci roku opětovně vychází nová verze šachového programu Chess Assistant tentokrát ve verzi 15.

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Chess Assistant 15 s Houdini 4

Chess Assistant 15 s Houdini 4 je unikátní nástroj pro správu šachové hry a databází, k online šachové hře, k analyzování hry, nebo hře proti počítači. Chess Assistant má dlouhou historii zhlediska inovačních a pokročilých analytických funkcí a nyní, s ve

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The Psychology Of Chess And The Best Women Chess Players Of All Time

Since the standard of play has significantly been raised in woman’s chest over the last few decades, there are now several women competing against the top players in the world. Therefore making any list of the top female chess players of all time is quite

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The Chess Players

Since the standard of play has significantly been raised in woman’s chest over the last few decades, there are now several women competing against the top players in the world. Therefore making any list of the top female chess players of all time is quite

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The Best Women Chess Players

Since the standard of play has significantly been raised in woman’s chest over the last few decades, there are now several women competing against the top players in the world. Therefore making any list of the top female chess players of all time is quite

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Mistrovství světa v Sochi - 4 kolo

Zápas FIDE World Chess Championship mezi obhájcem titulu Magnus Carlsenem a jeho soupeřem Viswanathanem Anandem probíhá od 7-27 listopadu 2014 v olympijském Media Center jež se nachází na pobřeží Černého moře. Carlsen, Magnus 2863–Anand, Viswanathan 2785

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